Module part just created a menu page with some "Hello World" text.
Test should check:
- If drupal slice generated by SimpleText exists
- If menu page exists
- If menu page has a string "Lets test it!"
Module code:
1: <?php
3: function alternative_example_menu() {
4: $items['alt_example'] = array(
5: 'title' => 'Hello World test example',
6: 'description' => 'Its easy and fun',
7: 'page callback' => '_alt_example_basic_instructions',
8: 'page arguments' => array(t('Hello World')),
9: 'access callback' => TRUE,
10: 'type' => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM,
11: );
12: return $items;
13: }
15: function _alt_example_basic_instructions($content = NULL) {
16: $base_content = t('Lets test it!');
17: return '<div>' . $base_content . '</div><br />';
18: }
Test code:
1: <?php
3: /**
4: * @file
5: * Tests for alternative example module.
6: */
7: class AlternativeExampleTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
8: protected $custom_user;
10: public static function getInfo() {
11: return array(
12: 'name' => 'Hello world example functionality',
13: 'description' => 'Checks "Hello world" string and page',
14: 'group' => 'Alternative Examples',
15: );
16: }
18: /**
19: * Enable modules and create user with specific permissions.
20: */
21: public function setUp() {
22: parent::setUp('alternative_example');
23: }
24: function testAlternativeHelloExample() {
25: // Load site
26: $this->drupalGet('');
27: // Load page
28: $this->clickLink(t('Hello World test example'));
29: // Look for string
30: $this->assertText(t('Lets test it!'));
31: }
32: }
Web output:
Also there is possible to run SimpleTest through drush:
Nothing enormous. Tests should run faster if they will done like unit tests way but i should check that option next time.
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